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Click on the grade level buttons above to take you to a master list of grade-level resources.
Note that a few buttons on each page are not yet active. We are working as fast as we can!
Curriculum-focused Professional Development
A journey is defined as
“the act of traveling from one place to another"
and each journey, each path, is unique.
Click each button to explore PD options...
“Onsite” Meetings
Face-to-face at the LEA site
Typically this is PLC work and is a focused group (grade/subject); can be tailored to site needs, but should be planned from our Menu of Services by ABC partner and coach; agendas should be planned in advance
On-site days may be used for staff PD days, if scheduled in advance
Multiple coaches can be used on the same day (one “onsite day” per coach used); this can be used to plan special PD events for school staff
Virtual Meetings
On-line collaboration
For the purpose of feedback, clarifying, explanation, etc.
These may include (but are not limited to)
Google Docs
Google Chat
Google Hangout
Conference Calls
These can be done with leaders, grade-level teams, individuals, etc.
May be done during school hours, after school hours, and during the summer, as needed.
Intensive Support
School Improvement - Designed for a specific school or district with customized, intensive, on-site PD support
External Provider - We are an Arkansas Department of Education approved external provider for schools on school improvement
Organized around the original the Gates Units
Currently creating resources files to support Wit & Wisdom
Resources for suggested texts have been collected and linked to a Teacher Planner
Pinterest Boards
Organized around the EngageNY Math Modules (Eureka Math)
Resources collected and linked to a Teacher Planner
Pinterest Boards
Analysis Tools
High-Yield Strategies
Interactive Note-booking
Lesson Design with GANAG
PD Bytes
Zoom Documents
Our staff will happily have a conversation with you about your needs.
All professional development is customizable.
A contract can be set up for a certain number of participants, for a certain number of sessions/days, and for the service delivery that best fits your needs.
Focus areas can be chosen from our Curriculum PD Menu and adjusted to fit your group.
Access to our Digital Content Resources is available with or without a professional development contract.
Travelers need tools for their journey…
Map - What is our plan?
Compass - How will we know if we are going the right way?
Rope - What do we hang on to so we don't get lost?
Binoculars - Are we willing to zoom in and out to clarify pieces of the big picture?
Camera - How will we document the journey?
As educators, we must make critical choices as we plan our journey toward a quality education for ALL students. Our support of individual students is crucial as they learn, achieve, create, and become their best they make their personal journey through life.
Leaders are tasked with a myriad of issues: buildings, transportation, personnel, schedules, food service, legal, political and public relations! It is no wonder that instruction is often put on a back burner or left to others in the organization. It is important the role of each individual within the system be clearly defined to assure the efficient, effective, quality education we all desire for our children. Administrators, teachers, coordinators and directors all play a crucial role.
We believe Role-specific Instructional Management (RIM) is key to building a successful educational system. Once roles are clarified and site-specific needs are identified by studying data and taking a hard look at current reality, then a personalized plan can be developed to target district/building priorities. What is needed? A map (plan), a compass (to keep us on track), and many professional conversations and feedback to take us forward on the journey!
We believe real, sustained progress in education always comes from the hands and hearts of dedicated teachers who are guided and supported by respectful, visionary leaders. Today, more than ever before, there is a need for leaders within our profession (both inside and outside the classroom) with the ability to put all the pieces together by anticipating needs, being knowledgeable about challenges, and finding workable solutions to impossible problems. We help you match your needs with the best experts and resources available.
Contact us for more information!
Teachers sharing with other teachers
We have a cadre of teacher leaders from across the state who are willing to provide their expertise in a variety of areas.