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ABC PARtners
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Madeline Hunter Was Right!
Daily Lesson Planning with GANAG and High-Yield Strategies
Audience: K-12 teachers, instructional facilitators, curriculum leaders
Length: 6 hours
Description: Unit plans are one thing, daily plans quite another! Looking for a quick, easy, but highly effective teaching plan? We’ll use Dr. Jane Pollock’s GANAG schema to efficient and effectively plan for daily lessons. Use five high-yield strategies in the first five minutes of every class, every day. Without spending a dime!
Results: A GANAG lesson plan to use!
Building Better Lessons Through Structured Teaching
Audience: K-12 teachers, instructional facilitators, curriculum leaders
Length: 6 hours
Description: We have all heard of High-Yield Strategies and yet incorporating them into daily lessons can seem overwhelming. When do I use them? Which ones? This session focuses on a simple lesson plan design and framework which features high yield strategies in a structured, logical routine. Participants will explore lesson design and technology tools to assist them in getting “the biggest bang for the buck.”
As a result of this work participants will…
rediscover high yield strategies
develop lesson plan structures and routines
utilize technology to enhance lessons
Putting It All Together with Interactive Notebooking
Audience: K-12 teachers, instructional facilitators, curriculum leaders
Length: 6 hours
Descriptor: We all know the importance of well-planned lessons and learning strategies, but how can we put it all together to impact student engagement and achievement? This session will focus on the use of Interactive Notebooks in the classroom as:
a student engagement tool!
a formative assessment tool!
a progress monitoring tool!
a student resource!
Important Session Information:
Please bring a blank 70-100 page spiral notebook and your favorite pens, colored pencils, crayons, stickers, sticky notes etc.
As a result of this work participants will…
discover the POWER of Interactive Notebooking.
develop procedures to keep the lesson pacing and creativity flowing.
create their own Interactive Notebook to use as a resource.
Leave with guidelines, ideas, and a plan for implementing interactive notebooks in any classroom, at any grade level.